Robert Kerr Elementary Home

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Welcome to Robert Kerr Elementary

Welcome and greetings from the outstanding staff at Robert Kerr Elementary School.  At Robert Kerr we provide academic and social/emotional curriculum for students in the second through fifth grades for the Durand Area School District. We have created an atmosphere in our building that is positive, supportive, and energetic for approximately 350 students.
At Robert Kerr, we offer a multi-tiered system of support for both reading and math curriculum. All grade levels share a master schedule and throughout the day reading and math curriculum are taught at the general education setting, a secondary setting adjusted towards the individual student’s needs, and a third tier which delivers specialized academic support in a small group setting for those students who need additional support. We are also a MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) school which allows us to ensure social and emotional issues are being supported. 
Our staff is dedicated to the students at Robert Kerr.  We also recognize the importance of a positive working relationship with families.  Together, we can help to ensure that all students have a successful, positive, and fun academic experience that can be continued throughout their academic career.  We appreciate your support and trust in educating your child.    

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